Thank you for your interest in joining a beach cleanup!

Join volunteers in coastal communities from around the world in celebrating the International Coastal Cleanup. Help keep our beaches clean and beautiful by picking up marine and shoreline debris from participating Pacific Coast and Strait of Juan de Fuca locations!

Years before the International Coastal Cleanup became official in 1986, the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association started their own cleanup, Operation Shore Patrol in 1971 along Ocean Shores, Westport and the Long Beach Peninsula beaches. With over 50 years of cleanup experience, the PNW4WDA is the originator of a fall organized cleanup on Washingtonʻs Pacific Coast.

Thank you to all of our partners for making the cleanup possible, including but not limited to: GrassRoots Garbage Gang, Washington State Parks, the City of Long Beach, Washington Surfrider Olympia Chapter, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, Lions Clubs International, USCG Chief Petty Officers Assn., Port Townsend Marine Science Center and concerned citizens.

Registration for the CoastSavers coordinated cleanups are by area as follows:

Long Beach Peninsula, Central Pacific Coast, Western Strait, & Eastern Strait (click desired area to register for participating beaches).

Long Beach Peninsula

Registration & Disposal 
Ocean Park Bay Ave 9am-12pm
Long Beach Bolstad Approach 9am-12pm

Cleanup registration supported by Jeep Long Beach and the GrassRoots Garbage Gang with disposal supported by the City of Long Beach and Washington State Parks.

Central Coast

Registration & Disposal 
Ocean City OBA 9am-12pm
Twin Harbors State Park Bonge Ave 9am-12pm

Cleanup registration supported by Surfrider Olympia Chapter at Twin Harbors SP and Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary at Ocean City with disposal supported by Washington State Parks.

Western Strait of Juan de Fuca

Registration & Disposal
Clallam Bay/Sekiu Visitor Center 9am-2pm
Participating Beaches
Cleanup registration supported by Lions Clubs International and the Clallam Bay/Sekiu Visitor Center with disposal supported by Lions Clubs International

 Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca

Eastern Strait

Registration & Disposal

Ediz Hook 9am-12pm
Dungeness NWR 9am-12pm
Fort Worden State Park* 9am-1pm




Note: There are two options for this cleanup.

Option #1: Come to Fort Worden to sign in, grab supplies, and get assigned a beach location.

If you are interested in this option, please sign up through this registration form, and we will see you on September 21st!

Option #2: Are you up for a few miles of trekking on the beach and carrying a load of debris on your back? Well, this option is for you! If you are interested in this, please register for this site and email Mandi at Spots are limited, so please reach out.

Please note the following:

OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK will be hosting their own registration. Questions on their cleanup can be directed to:

Registration for Ocean Shores/Chance Ala Mer will be through Grays Harbor Surfrider

If you canʻt join us, please consider collecting marine debris next time you go to the beach. But don’t leave your collected debris on the beach. Take everything you collect back to a roadside dumpster or to your home’s garbage/recycling.