Who We Are
Washington CoastSavers is an alliance of partners and volunteers dedicated to keeping the state’s beaches clean of marine debris through coordinated beach cleanups, education, and prevention.
Saturday, April 19th Pacific Coast & Strait of Juan de Fuca
Friday, July 4th Bag Handout Saturday, July 5th Beach Cleanup Central & South Coast
Saturday, September 20th Pacific Coast & Strait of Juan de Fuca
Registration for the spring (WCC) and fall (ICC) CoastSavers coordinated cleanups opens about a month before the event.
Registration is not required for the July 5th cleanup event.
Thank you for your interest in joining the beach cleanup!
Please follow all COVID-safety guidelines set by Washington State if you plan on joining us.
What Is Marine Debris & What Can I Do About It?
Marine debris is trash that somehow ends up in the ocean. Recognize this plastic water bottle? It could be the one you threw away several months ago – not at the beach, but at your home! It just blew out of your garbage, landed in a nearby waterway, and floated out to the coast. Now it’s degrading and poisoning our coastal wildlife and releasing its toxins into the food chain.
Or maybe a commercial fishing boat lost some gear in one of our notorious winter storms. Now it’s floating around out there, damaging our coastal fisheries, and pointlessly killing everything that gets caught.
No matter where you live or what kind of work you do, marine debris is your problem. Learn more and use our resources today.